Touring abroad

The performances of the Company in the UAE, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Belarus

Dubai, UAE

For the first time since March 2020, Eifman Ballet went on tour outside of Russia. On December 2, 3 and 4, the Company presented Boris Eifman's legendary ballet Anna Karenina in Dubai, in the heart of the United Arab Emirates, at the invitation of the Dubai Opera during the days of the largest international event, Expo 2020.

Артисты балета, ведущие солисты Театра балета Бориса Эйфмана Артем Лепков, Виктория Мокроуосва и Дмитрий Крылов после представления балета "Анна Каренина" в Дубае, на сцене за занавесом
Artyom Lepkov, Victoria Mokrousova and Dmitry Krylov after the performance of Anna Karenina in Dubai
"Thank you for bringing this amazing ballet to Dubai! One of the best performances."

"A modern take on the greatest novel of all time. Emotional, professional, splendid! Bravo."

"The music of Tchaikovsky, the incredible beauty of the details of the costumes, the scenery and the Company that impressed with their performance to the core."
(reviews from Dubai audience on the production Anna Karenina)

Almaty, Kazakhstan

In the spring, Eifman Ballet presented the choreographic art of Boris Eifman to the Almaty audience for the first time and showed the ballets Anna Karenina (May 7) and Rodin, Her Eternal Idol (May 8 and 9). The performances took place at the new stage, Almaty Theatre.

After the performance Rodin, Her Eternal Idol in Almaty
May 9, 2022
Артисты Театра балета Бориса Эйфмана после представления балета "Роден, ее вечный идол" в Алматы, Казахстан. На сцене Almaty Theatre
"We came to you, in Almaty. It's like a breath of fresh air for us: new venue, new audience, new emotions everything that is remembered for a lifetime."
"Eifman and his Company were magnificent. And the theme of madness, beloved by the choreographer, was amazing in the language of the genuine dance..."
(the leading soloist of Eifman Ballet
Lyubov Andreyeva in an interview to
(Vremya about the performances of the Company in Almaty)
"It is impossible to take one’s eyes off the stage, where there is a silent scream, where the soul is torn to shreds, where the stone, which until recently was a masterpiece, crumbles into dust. Everything is blown away by the wind of time. Art remains."
(review of the spectator on the production Rodin, Her Eternal Idol)

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

In 2022, Eifman Ballet visited the capital of Uzbekistan for the first time in 45-year history of the Company. The tour took place at the Navoi State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Uzbekistan in Tashkent as part of the International Theatre and Ballet Festival. The Company pleased the audience with two performances: Anna Karenina (May 12 and 13) and Rodin, Her Eternal Idol (May 14 and 15).

Хореограф Борис Эйфман, Андрис Лиепа и артисты Театра балета Бориса Эйфмана после показа балета "Анна Каренина" в Ташкенте
After the performance Anna Karenina in Tashkent
May 12, 2022
"The episode with the train plunged us all into some indescribable shock and delight at the same time. I was very curious how this particular episode would be showed, and the embodiment turned out to be amazing. You can almost feel the intensity of emotions and despair of the heroine with your skin."

"A brilliant choreographic find is the formation of sculptures from the human body, either gypsum-plastic, soft, or stone-cold, inflexible. The sharp development of the ballet keeps the spectator in suspense until the very end."
(audience reviews on the performances of the Company in Tashkent)

Minsk, Belarus

At the beginning of the summer, Eifman Ballet went on tour in Minsk. On June 7 and 8, the Company presented the production The Pygmalion Effect to the music of Johann Strauss the Son and opened the Ballet Summer at the Bolshoi festival with its performance. The Belarusian tour was the Company's first visit to this country in six years.
After the performance of The Pygmalion Effect in Minsk
June 7, 2022
Артисты Театра балета Бориса Эйфмана после представления балета "Эффект Пигмалиона" в Минске, Белоруссия
"Ballet Summer at the Bolshoi began with a sensation. The famous Eifman Ballet gathered a full house for two days."

(TV channel Belarus 1 about the performances of the Company in Minsk)
Lyubov Andreyeva and Oleg Gabyshev rehearsing The Pygmalion Effect
"I saw all the productions of this Company that were brought to Minsk. And it’s always an adrenaline explosion! Today, all hands clapped with delight. At such moments, one can really feel the taste of life."

"For me, this is a new discovery in the world of art! The performance of the ballet soloists masterfully shows the whole gamut of feelings, from love to disappointment, with the language of the body, everything that is happening on the stage fascinates and attracts not only the eye but the whole soul."

"The incredible mastership of the entire Company from honored artists to the corps de ballet. The auditorium reacted incredibly warmly. I have not heard such a long applause at the Bolshoi for a long time. The palms were burning."

"Two hours of delight! Another dream come true, and this is the case when the reality is better than any expectation. The mood of a big dance feast."
(reviews of Belarusian audience)

The travel journal

Natural beauties of Kazakhstan, oriental flavor of Tashkent, The Burj Khalifa and other landmarks in the pictures made by the Company dancers during the tours in the 45th season.