45th anniversary of Eifman Ballet

A series of performances in St. Petersburg as part of the Company's anniversary celebrations

In 2022, 45 years have passed since the creation of Eifman Ballet. In June and July, on the occasion of its anniversary, the legendary Company, beloved by dance connoisseurs all over the world, in its native city at the Alexandrinsky Theatre, presented selected productions which make up the unique modern choreographic repertoire of Russia, created by Eifman and his dancers.

A large festive series of performances of the Company began with performances of choreographic versions of the great works of Russian classical literature: Eugene Onegin (June 19) based on the novel in verse by Alexander Pushkin, The Seagull. A Ballet Story (June 20 and 21) based on the play by Anton Chekhov and Beyond Sin (June 22) based on the novel The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
On June 23 and 24, the production The Pygmalion Effect plunged the audience into the magnificent world of ballroom dancing. On June 25 and 26, after three years of absence, the ballet Russian Hamlet returned to the St. Petersburg stage, which the audience was looking forward to. The series of performances ended with the 2021 production Molière Passion, or The Mask of Don Juan (July 1 and 2).
"Now I am full of ideas as never before and I ask fate to give me the strength to carry out at least part of what I have planned. I hope that the best production of our Company is still ahead."

(Boris Eifman in the interview to RIA Novosti)
"I always knew that Eifman is a Genius, but his The Seagull is something incredible... Fascinating choreography, expressiveness in every movement, gesture, glance, and furious, unique, powerful energy thrown into the auditorium by His Dancers."

"Aesthetic. Beautiful. Lively. Full auditorium, a sea of applause and impressions."

"Probably, no ballet performance makes such a strong impression on me as Beyond Sin. It's like looking into the abyss of the human soul!"

"I have never seen such a concentration of beauty, feelings and mastership as in Eifman's ballets."

(from the reviews of the St. Petersburg audience on the productions The Seagull. A Ballet Story, Beyond Sin and The Pygmalion Effect)
"I always knew that Eifman is a Genius, but his The Seagull is something incredible... Fascinating choreography, expressiveness in every movement, gesture, glance, and furious, unique, powerful energy thrown into the auditorium by His Dancers."

"Aesthetic. Beautiful. Lively. Full auditorium, a sea of applause and impressions."

"Probably, no ballet performance makes such a strong impression on me as Beyond Sin. It's like looking into the abyss of the human soul!"

"I have never seen such a concentration of beauty, feelings and mastership as in Eifman's ballets."
(from the reviews of the St. Petersburg audience on the productions The Seagull. A Ballet Story, Beyond Sin and The Pygmalion Effect)
The tour in The Bolshoi Theatre
The final chord of the 45th season at the New Stage of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow

The hot season

Pictures taken by the Company dancers during the series of the performances at the Alexandrinsky Theatre