Performances of the gala program in the cities of Russia in the 45th season

Barvikha Concert Hall

Афиша гала-концерта EIFMAN GALA в честь 75-летия Бориса Эйфмана в Барвиха Luxury Village. На фото: ведущие солисты Театра балета Бориса Эйфмана Мария Абашова и Олег Габышев в балете "Страсти по Мольеру, или Маска Дон Жуана"
On November 27 in Moscow, Eifman Ballet presented a unique two-act program EIFMAN GALA. The event took place at the Barvikha Concert Hall in honor of the 75th birthday of Boris Eifman.

As part of the evening, the Company showed fragments from selected productions of the choreographer: Anna Karenina; Eugene Onegin; Rodin, Her Eternal Idol; Beyond Sin; Requiem; Tchaikovsky. PRO et CONTRA; Russian Hamlet; The Pygmalion Effect; Molière Passion, or The Mask of Don Juan. A special surprise was the performance of the most striking episodes from the new production The Seagull. A Ballet Story which premiered on February 22, 2022.

Oktyabrskiy Big Concert Hall

On December 11, Eifman Ballet presented the program EIFMAN GALA at the Oktyabrskiy Big Concert Hall. The performance was a symbolic end to the year of celebration of the choreographer's anniversary and preceded another significant date, the 45th anniversary of the Company.

The Oktyabrskiy Big Concert Hall is a landmark venue for the history of the Company. It was here exactly 45 years ago, on September 29, 1977, that the first public performance of Eifman Ballet (at that time called the Leningrad New Ballet) took place. Until 1998, the Company regularly presented its art at the Oktyabrskiy. The gala concert was a loud return of Eifman Ballet to the main concert venue in St. Petersburg.
Любовь Андреева, Олег Габышев, Анжела Прохорова и Дэниел Рубин
на репетиции гала-концерта. Декабрь 2021 г.
"We felt a lot today. A firework of emotions. A soul celebration."

"Every time I watch Boris Eifman's ballet, I think what a blessing it is to live at the same time with such an amazing choreographer and to have the opportunity to see his productions!"

"I want to immediately review everything I saw and to urgently see the rest. The best that is in the modern world of dance is in Russia for sure."
(reviews of St. Petersburg audience on the gala program)

Nizhny Novgorod, State Youth Theatre

On March 17 and 18, Eifman Ballet presented the gala program in Nizhny Novgorod. Performances dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the Company sparked furor among the local audience:
"A real feast, a feast of ballet, dance, bright emotions."

"Chekhov, Dostoevsky, the train that will kill Karenina — everything can be translated into the language of ballet."

(reviews of Nizhny Novgorod audience)
"Eifman's ballets are not a performance, this is a revelation, this is a parallel world in which there is no force of gravity, but there is so much sensuality…"

"I was looking at the stage with all my eyes and thinking: if only this magic could last longer! And today I woke up and thought, what a happiness that it was."

Irina Viner-Usmanova Gymnastics Palace

Another Moscow performance of the gala program in honor of the 45th anniversary of Eifman Ballet took place on April 23 at the Irina Viner-Usmanova Gymnastics Palace.
Rehearsal of the gala concert. April 2022
"The most powerful episodes from the great productions of Boris Eifman were performed last night. Here is the ballroom where Onegin talks to Tatyana, and here Anna Karenina throws herself under a train, and here you’re taken to Rodin's studio... And the stories are recognizable, the experiences and conflicts of the characters are comprehensible, and you don't need a playbill to get clues. How do they do it?"

"Unexpectedly, I discovered the modern psychological ballet of Boris Eifman and got aesthetic pleasure. Through the language of dance, the ballet stars frankly tell the spectator about the search for the meaning of life, about the clash of the spiritual and the carnal in the intimate world of human, about human existence. It was unforgettable, sensual and impressive to goosebumps."
(reviews of Moscow audience on the gala program)
Артисты Театра балета Бориса Эйфмана на репетиции в балетном зале
Ведущий солист Театра балета Бориса Эйфмана, заслуженный артист России Олег Габышев на репетиции балета Бориса Эйфмана "Роден, ее вечный идол" в балетном зале